Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Quran Speaks About UFOs

The Quran Speaks About UFOs

In today's world, there are two kinds of vehicles are generally used by humans in the history of his life, taking the starting power forward for example, animals, cars, ships or aircraft.
The other use centrifugal force (throw from the standpoint) as a UFO is popularly called "flying saucers". Both kinds of vehicles by the Al-Quran Surat an-Nahl verse 8 is mentioned as a floating objects and animals. The definition of livestock are horses, camels, donkeys, DLS. And floating point objects are all sorts of vehicles embodied by human technology including the "flying saucers".
Especially on "flying saucers", by the letter of An-Nahl verse 8 is the vehicle of an unknown man in a thousand years, and by the letter of Az-Zukhruf verse 12 says that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala created everything in pairs-pairs. That is, there is the positive part and the negative part of the "flying saucers" that (positive and negative = spouse). Because the letters Az-Zukhruf verse 12 is talking about means of transportation, then surely the term "coupled-pair" it is a vehicle. And perhaps no other vehicle was "flying saucers" that has a positive and negative parts.
And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys *, that you ride and (make) jewelry. and Allah creates what you do not know.(Surat an-Nahl verse 8) * The mule is a horse breed with a donkey.
This verse explains about regular vehicle and can be used by humans. Humans usually use livestock vehicles. Horses and donkeys are energy carriers and towing the situation is the same with cars and airplanes as carriers and towing. Fragment of the word "may" in this paragraph, is something unknown to science on the vehicle.
Both horses and donkeys as well as cars and airplanes use the same power to the rear starting to move forward, basically two kinds of vehicles that have the same principle. So what vehicle the unknown man as mentioned in Surat an-Nahl verse 8 it?
It is answered by the Al-Quran:

والذي خلق الأزواج كلها وجعل لكم من الفلك والأنعام ما تركبون

And who created everything in pairs, and appointed for you ships and cattle that you ride.

لتستووا على ظهوره ثم تذكروا نعمة ربكم إذا استويتم عليه وتقولوا سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا وما كنا له مقرنين

That you sit on his back, then you remember the favors of your Lord when you have to sit on it, and so you say: "Glory to God who has subjected these to us when we were previously not able to overcome it".

وإنا إلى ربنا لمنقلبون

And the fact we will return to our Lord. (Surat Az-Zukhruf verses 12-14)
If you read the verses of Al-Quran arrangement is not at first glance you may feel that something strange and new. However, it is worth noting that none of the verses of the Qur'an were revealed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to His Messenger are useless or have no meaning. If you are careful and think about deeply, all the verses contained in the Holy Qur'an has always had elements of the relationship between the verse, verse relation both in the letter itself or the link text in the letters of the Qur'an are other. Simply put, the relevance of the verse with other verses such as the internet which you are browsing is. A web page containing information always have a connection or link, whether the link to the web page itself, or linking to other web pages.
Well, all the elements are interrelated often it always results in the scientific understanding that can be accepted by common sense. By doing so, understand the structure of the verses above is the "floating objects" is a vehicle that is not known by man. As mentioned in Surat an-Nahl verse 8.
The composition of the above verses we nantilah later analysis.
Now we are entering will be a material issue in analyzing it.
The Quran often explain problems of rotation and orbit of celestial bodies. It is a picture for everyone to always pay attention to why the Earth is spinning on its axis, why the planet with the other planets revolved around the sun also rotates on its axis. All the planets were not beamed, no laces and also does not have a dependent. Everything moves in free floating state. Rawasialah only planet which rotates on its axis while spinning around the sun. It Rawasia it is important manifestation of something that should be explored more deeply by astronomers. By knowing the Rawasia each planet, the veil of mystery of the infinite universe will be revealed.
Earth weighs around 700 trillion tons falling on the sun because lantingnya force (centrifugal) in an orbit, the Earth is also not terlanting otherwise far out of line because its orbit is being held by the force of gravity on the sun-centered orbit. Lanting force of the Earth and the gravitational forces are the same magnitude, the expert called by Equilibrium. That is why to this day the Earth that we live continuously rotates and revolves around the sun.
Suppose that the Earth is only wearing style lantingnya without using the force of gravity. Thus, we can be sure the Earth will drift away to leave the sun. That way, the centrifugal force like those of the Earth can be adopted by the "flying saucers" to fly away if the force of gravity is eliminated.
Well, finally we had come to the question, how to remove the force of gravity that?
One way is to rotate the horizontal plane. If the round is the faster, the greater the centrifugal force generated and the kecillah gravity, until the force of gravity will disappear altogether and start the aircraft can be lifted easily without being influenced by the Earth's gravity.
You might ask, how can the aircraft can spin continuously without a pedestal? From there we call this plane shuttling System, which is saucer-shaped aircraft attached the middle-middle is where the passengers.
You can see the structure illustration "flying saucers" below.
A. Upper parts, we call Positive, turning to the right, getting to the edge of the thick mass and weight.
B. Bottom, we call negative, rotate to the left, getting to the edge of the thick mass and weight.
C. Middle part, we call neutral, this is where the crew and equipment and machines that rotate Positive and Negative in a single control.
Practical plane will be lifted as needed to help with the explosive power and to increase speed pembelok while in weightless space.
However construction will form the plane, we give it to the professor, and we are confident in the future will be realized as the plane bulletproof and do not require a particular foundation because he can stand static in space and even more powerful is that the plane was indeed water- aka proof that anti-water when needed he can go straight into the sea and out again at will.
We may say that the human vehicle is now old-fashioned, antiquated or obsolete because of the system he uses has been effective for thousands of years, all of which use the principle of refusing to back for forward and downward refused to rise to the top. After people could wear centrifugal force shaped "flying saucers" then people will start a modern vehicle.
So, during the establishment of "flying saucers" is the boundary between the ancient and the modern civilization's human. This limit is called the Quran in letters Az-Zukhruf paragraph 13 above with a figure of speech, the professor who started using "flying saucers" saying: At that time, people are just starting to live in another generation the generation of aircraft with the same generation is not modern.
In modern civilization where men generally wear a flying saucer as the vehicle will be many changes in the lives of both in the physical and in the spiritual. In the field of physical changes will take effect in the lives of such, people no longer need a highway and railroad construction spending so much energy, space, matter and time. People will take advantage of the area to a residence or for other needs. People will move its attention to the oceans as a food source because the ocean is so vast that it contains a variety of materials for the purposes of life, and most of the land will be the place to live. People will be doing the usual interplanetary flight when the planets Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and other larger planets will be targeted in the economy and politics.
In the spiritual field will force a change in life like, people will realize that the universe was created for the needs of human life by Allah the Almighty. People will realize that the people on our planet in the solar system comes from the self, one species, or a cognate. Not from the evolution of monkeys, such as Darwin's theory of logic defeated. People will realize that the religion revealed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is just the same unity of religion as stated in Surah Al-Imran verse 83. People will realize that religion derived Tawheed contains laws of the Deity according to the incidence and natural instincts are in the universe and in man himself, and that rejecting religion means hurt yourself.

سنريهم آياتنا في الآفاق وفي أنفسهم حتى يتبين لهم أنه الحق أولم يكف بربك أنه على كل شيء شهيد
We will show them the signs (of power) in all regions of the earth and in themselves, until clear to them that the Qur'an is true. Tiadakah enough that Thy Lord doth witness over all things? (Surat Al-Fushshilat paragraph 53)
أفغير دين الله يبغون وله أسلم من في السماوات والأرض طوعا وكرها وإليه يرجعون
Do they seek a religion other than the religion of Allah, but to Him surrender all that is in the planets and the earth, either by love or forced to God and only they will be back. (Surat Al-Imran paragraph 83)


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